It's a fun scene. My faves are the different Demo EPs from "Prison Affair"!

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life changing. thank you

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You’re welcome!! Much love and respect fam. 😤💘🤝

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THis is what a I needed today! A new genre of punk to get me through!

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Mission accomplished, you got me to put on an Egg punk playlist! Cool and trippy stuff and it kinda gives me hope for my lofi experimental rock.

I don't know if what I do counts as "Egg punk" (although it's hard to get a complete sense of the genre boundries, and in the 15 or so songs I sampled, it tends to be more of the lofi aesthetic and a sense of "off-kilterness" that is the threw line, or how you see it?) My stuff is probably more traditional garage rock/punk, but then as a part of this substack released graphic-lyric album story thing I am doing (trying to make that a thing) there is also a kind of a "The Verve" like lofi rock piece.

Curious how you would categorize these... but either way I hope we can get some fresh rock revival or revival revival (not sure what layer of revival we are on at this point). And where can your punk music be found? https://open.substack.com/pub/snowhopebones/p/all-garage-rock-songs?r=4diwl5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

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